SISD Board of Trustees

  • Board Responsibilities of Leadership
    The Sherman Independent School District is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees that is responsible for adopting policy, employing and evaluating the superintendent, approving the budget and capital improvement plans, and setting the tax rate. As the district’s elected leaders, trustees are charged with making decisions they believe to be in the best interests of all SISD staff and children.
    Board Service
    There are seven members of the Sherman ISD Board of Trustees, each elected to serve staggered three-year terms. Officers are elected by the members of the Board of Trustees. Trustees provide public service to the Sherman community without financial compensation. Candidates to the Board of Trustees must conform to the eligibility requirements of the Texas Election Code.
    Meeting Information
    Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are usually held on the third Monday of each month at the Sherman ISD Service Center (2701 Loy Lake Road, Sherman). For a complete list of meeting dates, click here. Meetings are usually broadcast live on the SISD YouTube channel.   

    Public Presentations to the Board
    Public comment is typically scheduled at the beginning of each regular meeting. Download the comment card with Board procedures for presentations from the public..